Boarding & Daycare Evaluations
Would you like to use our services? Follow the instructions below so we can evaluate your pup.
*Note - All dogs must be spayed or neutered and have updated vaccination records
Step One: Register for a new account through Pet Exec.
Step 3, Submit email to request your evaluation (update the body with your info).
(Evaluations are on a first-come first serve basis, last approximately 30 minutes and are conducted Monday-Saturday between 1pm-3pm. See evaluation process below.)
What to expect next
We will schedule your evaluation and reply to your email. When you arrive, we will take you and your pup(s) back to an evaluation room. From there, we will bring in a couple of dogs to introduce to your pup(s). We are looking for signs of aggression and anxiety. Assuming all looks ok, an attendant will stay with all of the dogs, while we take you for a tour of the facility and operation, also to see how the pup does without you there. Once we return, the attendant will give us feedback as to whether it seems suitable for all. We focus on safety first. If all goes well, we will then allow access to the services, but will communicate to you if we observe any abnormal and unsafe behavior during any stay.